The boys usher in the New Year with talk of documentaries, and the annoyance of the Documentarian interjecting themselves into the narrative and becoming the central character- is that at all necessary? Then of course, like all good academic conversations, the topic leads to porn and the numbing of the modern mind to the naked image and what […]
Archive for the ‘Television’ Category
Too Graphic For a Podcast
Posted: 3rd January 2015 by Podwits Administrator in Film, Film Review, History, Podcast, Sex, Television, The MuppetsTags: Behind the Green Door, Bill Cosby, Connor Baxter, Debbie Does Dallas, Deepthroat, Documentary, Dogtown and Z Boys, Errol Morris, Kai Lenny, Ken Burns, Molokai Paddleboard Race, Paul Williams, Paul Williams Still Alive, Phantom of Paradise, Porn, Russ Meyers, Star Begotten, Supersize Me, Taxi Driver, The Muppet Movie, The Scene, Winnebago Man
New Podcast: Do Fans Have a Point? Or…?
Posted: 22nd November 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Books, Comic Books, Film, Literature, Music, News, Podcast, TelevisionTags: Axl Rose, Broadchurch, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Dirty Harry, Doctor Who, Family Guy, Firefly, Francis Ford Coppola, George Lucas, Gotham, Gracepoint, Guns N' Roses, Ian Fleming, Idris Elba, Jericho, Joss Whedon, Lennie James, Low Winter Sun, Luther, Mark Strong, Opeth, Ridley Scott, Ruth Wilson, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Solar Pons, Spiderman, Star Trek, Star Wars, Terriers, The Bridge, The People vs. George Lucas, The Princess Bride, The Walking Dead, Tom Clancy, Twitter, Yes
The boys get into some pretty heady, philosophical debates this week, concerning the right of the fan towards art. Starting with the cancellation of various TV shows they’ve known and loved, Dion and Brian segue into the idea of continuing a franchise’s life through new material, be it either penned by fans or officially sanctioned by the creators; is that ok? […]
New Podcast: The Lads Taking the Piss
Posted: 1st November 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Beer, Cartoons, Celebrities, Comic Books, Ernest Borgnine, Film, Film Review, News, Podcast, Science Fiction, Television, Up on The Soap BoxTags: #PodwitsBeer, 2001 A Space Odyssey, Aquaman, Batman, Captain Marvel, Coney Island, Cyborg, DC Comics, Delorean DMC-12, Dr. Strange, Green Lantern, Guardians of the Galaxy, Guinness Blonde Lager, Hasbro, Joe Spinello, Justice League, Lego, Lego Batman, Marvel, Marvel Agents of Shield, Michael Keaton, Nick Fury, Operation Board Game, Parker Brothers, Phase 3, Shazam, Spiderman, Star Wars, Stationwagon, Suicide Squad, Superman, Terminator, The Avengers, The Black Panther, Tim Burton, Warner Bros., Wonder Woman
Well what else can be said about this week’s all new installment of The Podwits Podcast except that it is EPIC… We hear how J. Marcus and Dion first met Brian on the Coney Island boardwalk; Beer connoisseur Brian lambasts Guinness’ new Blonde Lager and praises this week’s choice drink; Dion vents about the news that Operation […]
The Podwit Nemesis’s…Nemesises… Nemeses?
Posted: 18th October 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Comic Books, Doctor Who, News, Podcast, TelevisionTags: Comics, Doctor Who, IDW, Peter Capaldi, Red Bull, Titan Comics
This week’s Podwits Podcast is a battle royale between two titans of talk! In this corner we have the Sultan of Sage, The King Of K-nowledge, The Scion Of The Cerebellum… BRIAN ZINO! And in the other corner… The Master of Mediocrity, The Jack Of A Few Trades, The Ran Out Of Alliteration, J. MARCUS! (applause) […]
Check out Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers!
Posted: 17th October 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Anime, Art, Books, Cartoons, Celebrities, Comic Books, Cyber Mailbag, Ernest Borgnine, Film, Film Review, History, Literature, News, Podcast, Science Fiction, Technology, Television, Uncategorized, Up on The Soap BoxTags: Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers
Please pay a visit to our latest Podwits venture, Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers! Dion Baia and J. Blake of the Podwits fame highlight films from their youth that would have typically been rented for a weekend sleepover by you and your friends. A new movie may be thrown into the mix to spice it up, but cult […]
Ooh… That Sounds Sexy!
Posted: 27th September 2014 by J. Marcus in Film, Podcast, Science Fiction, TelevisionTags: Gene Roddenberry, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Jaws, John Williams, Star Trek, Weekend At Bernie's, William Shatner
Strap yourselves in for another breathtaking episode of The Podwits Podcast! Dion and J. explore the Final Frontier in search of the truths behind one of the most popular television shows ever made — all the while, J. breaks all sorts of land/speed records by taking almost an hour to explain one of the most devastating things […]
Adequate, at best?
Posted: 20th September 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Beer, Books, Celebrities, Electronics, Ernest Borgnine, Film, History, News, Podcast, Science Fiction, Software Review, Technology, TelevisionTags: #PodwitsBeer, Avatar, Douglas Trumbull, Elementary, James Cameron, Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Steven Moffat, Unlocking Sherlock
The ‘Wits of Pod are all over the place this week! Brian lays out his new exercise regiment, utilizing The Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan, before they dash into the highly recommended documentary about the BBC series Sherlock entitled Unlocking Sherlock. Then the lads get into a spirited discussion about VFX pioneer and filmmaker Douglas Trumbull‘s new […]